
Aluminum Foil-Metal Embossing (Repousse) Ornament

Aluminum Foil Embossing Ornament

I did this project successfully with my after school art class which is a mixture of 1th-6th grade students. They LOVED this project!
Supplies: Aluminum sheets-36 gauge-St Louis Crafts Aluminum Metal Foil Sheet Roll – 36 Gauge – 12 inches x 25 feet, Metal Embossing Tools Stylus, foam sheets, wooden dowel rods-sharpened or dull pencils, permanent markers, Optional: embossing plates & tools

The tools we use in class are Ten Seconds Studio Metal Tools. We have both the basic tools & the texture sets. They work great & are worth the investment! We also have texture plates for rubbing-from Fiskar-I think they are supposed to go in a cuddlebug, but we don’t use that we just put the metal ontop of the plate & rub with the crochet tools or tortillions.
Less expensive options are crochet or knitting tools & wooden sticks (only if it is a thick metal)

Here are the Fiskar Rubbing templates-Fiskars Texture Plate Double-Sided Assortment III 6 Package (12 Designs)we use-they are hard plastic which hold up well while rubbing the metal against it.

Project: Repousse-Foil Embossing

Video Tutorial: Repousse – Foil Embossing Techniques

Project Sheet: Aluminum Foil Embossed Ornament Lesson Plan


  1. Cut aluminum foil in desired shape using regular scissors.
  2. Trace the outline of the ornament onto a sheet of paper. Draw designs & patterns onto the paper.
  3. Cut the shape out & tape it to the aluminum.
  4. Place foam sheet under the aluminum. This is vital for the embossing process!
  5. Trace over all your lines with a pencil. This will dent in the aluminum.
  6. Flip the aluminum over & visually make sure you’ve trace all the lines.
  7. Remove the paper from the aluminum & use the embossing supplies to further emboss the metal.
  8. After you have finished embossing, use the permanent markers to color the aluminum.



Metal Tooling - Repousse

Metal Tooling – Repousse

Project Sheet: Aluminum Foil Embossed Ornament Lesson Plan
Another Metal Embossing Project: Repousse Masks

If you choose to use this lesson or to repost any part of it, please link it back to my blog. Create Art with ME

Additional Metal Embossing Repousse Lessons:

Repousse Masks Metal Tooling Foil embossing lessonMetal Embossing Masks- Repousse Lesson

Talavera Repousse Metal and Drawing Project

Talavera Repousse Metal and Drawing Project – Middle School Art

Radial Balance with Talavera Pottery Repousse and Drawing Project

Design Principles Metal Repousse and Drawing

Design Principles Metal Repousse and Drawing

  1. Katlyn
    • micheast
    • micheast
  2. Katrina Rasmussen
    • micheast
    • micheast
  3. Asmara Riaz

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