Charcoal Drawing Techniques Lesson Plan & Worksheet
 This 9 page lesson plan with student worksheets is perfect for 4th-12 grade and is a great introduction to any value or charcoal lesson. It is so important that students understand what a medium can do, this  lesson will teach students some of the possibilities that charcoal is capable of. Teacher guided worksheets provide students with the basic techniques necessary to beginning any charcoal drawing. This is also a great refresher worksheet to get warmed up prior to beginning a project.
Supplies Needed:
Students will:
- Learn about the element of art called value.
- Learn various techniques using the medium of charcoal and rendering with value.
- Review the 5 Elements of Shading: Highlight, Shade, Shadow, Reflected Light and Cast Shadow.
- Demonstrate understanding of shading techniques by rendering two-dimensional shapes so that they appear realistically three-dimensional.
 Types of Strokes
- Edge or Tip
- Side
Creating Value Scales
- Optical Blending: (hatching or cross-hatching)
- Pressure Strokes
- Blending
Blending Charcoal
- Your finger
- Paper Stumps & Tortillons
- Kneaded Erasers and Chamois Leather
 Additional Techniques
- Scumbling
2. Dusting
3. Masking
Practice Shading Forms
PVC Pipes Shading Practice (PVC Pipe Drawing)
Also includes Lego practice drawing